「歴しニア」報告 あのシッティング・ブルのひ孫認定!

カテゴリー: 最新情報

英ケンブリッジ大 Professor Eske Willerslev ・ Lundbeck Foundation GeoGenetics Centre 等は、シッティング・ブル(1831~90年、本名タタンカ・イヨタケTatanka Iyotake:大酋長・統率者は白人の誤解、戦士であるが部族の調停者・偉大な呪術者、ララミー砦条約時代の有名なNativeインディアン)の 5-6cm piece of Sitting Bull’s hair のDNA分析(This research was funded by the Danish National Research Foundation)により、Ernie Lapointeさんを現存直系で最も近いと「ひ孫であることを認定」したと Science Advances が報じました。

Autosomal DNA from Lakota Sioux leader Sitting Bull’s scalp lock was compared to DNA samples from Ernie Lapointe and other Lakota Sioux.

Sitting Bull’s bones currently lie at a site in Mobridge, South Dakota, in a place that has no significant connection to Sitting Bull and the culture he represented. He also has concerns about the care of the gravesite. There are two official burial sites for Sitting Bull – at Fort Yates, North Dakota and Mobridge – and both receive visitors.

With DNA evidence to back up his claim of a bloodline, Lapointe now hopes to rebury the great Native American leader’s bones in a more appropriate location.

