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尤も、遥かな時を経てその痕跡を留めていないように見られますので、現代においてそれを実証しうるかとなると大変厳しいですが、理論歴史考古学においては意味があります(ま、かっての相対論やダークマターDark matter説登場などのように)。

因みに、北米から南下したと考えられる南米のアマゾンAmazonで見つかった古い3部族のDNA(Harvard Medical Schoolによる)は、既に当サイトでお伝えしております通り、後者タイプです。

サイト:新風アジアの楽園 https://youtu.be/BGrhO1ntyYo

The timing of the first entry of humans into North America across the Bering Strait has now been set back 10,000 years.
Bob Newton Question is, how many people have stepped on the continent thinking they were the 1st ones? 😉
Nara Akira
Nara Akira Initially, reconnaissance of a few men, I think. Then groups of family 2-500 people at least, then more and more. Motivation might be domination of new plenty food, I think. Situation of Bering sea was different from now, because cold water of north pole sea didn’t come flow in, stopped by land of Beringia.
Bob Newton
Bob Newton Roaming the planet looking for a safe place to live?

Nara Akira
Nara Akira Primarily, domination of new plenty food, mainly sea animal fish shell bird weed, I think. Coastal life around Bering Mediterranean Sea(BMS) , then prevailed to inner land along river.
